Home Cream Best Skin Care Ingredients For Anti Aging

Best Skin Care Ingredients For Anti Aging


There are many different types of anti aging cream. Some are more expensive than others, some are applied at night while others are applied during the day. Regardless of the type of cream you purchase its purpose is to moisturize and reduce the signs of aging. Most creams advertize to have quicker results than others, and some even claim to prevent future skin damage.  However, a study performed on all major age prevention creams had astonishing results.  It concluded that all major creams functioned within 1% of each other, meaning all exactly the same. Additionally it found that within the first 12 weeks of using any age prevention cream users saw an estimated approval of 10%. The study then continued to analyze the key ingredients in all skin cream proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

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    The only form of vitamin A that is used by humans is Retinol. It one of the most effective agents in treating acne and other skin conditioned. It is added into anti aging cream to help replenish the body’s source of vitamin A. This can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and can lighten spots with darker pigment. It also acts to reduce the size of pores making the skin appear tighter and smoother.



    The protein that is responsible for the production and formation of connective tissue in the body is collagen. It helps to form complete skin tissue as well as keep it functioning and healthy.  Often times as we age and are exposed to the sun collagen in our cells is depleted. Anti aging cream contains high amounts of collagen to help keep the skin looking firm and healthy.



    The molecule in the body that transfers oxygen to tissues and organs is referred to as an antioxidant. Without them the skin cannot remain healthy and often becomes darkened and dried. Because we are living creatures we thrive off of air and even are tissues must remain in constant supply of oxygen. Anti aging cream supplies the body with numerous antioxidants that help it maintain its youthful appearance. However, antioxidants have not been proven to lessen the signs of aging. They simply help keep it at its current state of appearance.



    One of the largest factors to quick aging skin and poor appearance is sun damage. The ultraviolet radiation that is carried by the sun’s rays is detrimental to the skin. When skin is overly exposed to these rays cells in the tissue begin to die. Without these cells skin is unable to function properly, resulting in sunspots and excess wrinkles. To prevent further damage to the skin creams that are supposed to be worn during the day often contain high levels of sunscreen.


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